Kamis, 01 Juli 2010


During the development of the present and the future of nursing in the world of English is important because English is the main capital of someone in entering the main employment in the World of Health and other jobs in the world.
In this period the most important part of the World Health clever English. With our English learning system to be able to know the terms health.Because, we are good at speaking English with easy to enhance nursing science.
By presenting the Home Style We must understand much more Deeply English.Because language, in the health book That or interactions occur with patient.Because Between Nurses, many people WHO Came to Indonesia to treatment and We must meet on their needs or community easy.Wrong us with one another to meet on their needs is good at speaking language. Can Quickly and perform tasks appropriate.Because of Medicine English and all language Used with many people from Abroad come to do medicine in Indonesian, with a style Home We Can interacting with Them to meet on their needs today respectively.In Employment for Nursing is very broad and health workers and the Nurses and other medical personnel in the foreign country needed to work in the Foreign but must have a capital city has a capital good at speaking English Language.With it's easy a chance to work.
Health care systems in the English language the most important part in improving science Nursing.As Science nurses we should sue not only the theory, we can also sue Science implement.Before us we can know about science is important for everyone science.Because only by therefore, Science can be mean as sebuh causal knowledge which should be achieved logis.Dengan understand there are a aktivias Science-appropriate activities and positive results have been summarized ideas / in concept.scence knowledge itself can be interprete as the result of a thinking man's own .
From science we the only.Development know much about what nursing science is influenced by language English.Period language that Britain is now the language is compulsory for us to know, because everywhere the States that we can visit the communication occurred and most of them speak English. In Indonesia very many health workers including nursing, most of them who know and speak good English Inggris.Mereka clever Banak opportunity to work in Foreign Affairs. Even they have a lot of them have been working outside the country.
With the importance of English, we must diligently guided the English language, so that we can also work in the Foreign country.With improve the quality of work in Indonesia, mainly in the Vocational Nursing, we should be able to hold capital Vocational Language English.Because although others we should be able to hold capital the English.Because the Companies or any other work place prioritization of job applicants who hold capital Inggris.So, language English is very important to achieve the ideals and toward the future that sunny.

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