Rabu, 26 Mei 2010


The more crowded cafe in the town square you might even in remote villages even make people want to engage in the cafe business, and it was certainly for middle upwards.based on the fact that I get a lot of entrepreneurs to compete with the way cafe.net realize that they serve facility improvements for the fans of the virtual world . and some are up to slam the price by way of discounts from each every hour. Just imagine to compete in this business we have to spend up to http://kianmaraknyawarnetdikotamakassar.blogspot.com/ and it's only for a count of 6 cpu alone. not to mention the cost of rent, electricity, ADSL Unlimited, etc ... "Worry".

It is then again obtained very lucrative profits every month. so if we use the system time ², if 5 PCs X 18 hours of cybercafe X 26 days X Rp. 4000, - = Rp. 9.36 million, - that if 5 PC how about 10,,? just count yourself,, heheheee . IBHS is still a matter of course, excluding gross operating costs.

  Most investors cafe always put service to its visitors and also the cafe.net atmosphere that makes the heart of the visitors are not saturated. , and that makes the user's internet service would sit for hours because the service game of texas holdem poker "which has worldly in this virtual world. so that's what makes the investors take the initiative procurement snacks, softdrink, smoke, and others ².
so just a suggestion for beginners who want to engage in this field, it helps if you lobby to the cafenet earlier you recognize ².

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