Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Bintang Argentina

Bintang muda asal Argentina ini sangat berambisi membawa negaranya menjadi juara Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan. Dibawa kepemimpinannya sosok pelatih Maradona menepis keraguan dari semua kalangan yang sempat meragukan penampilan Messi cs di Afsel. buktinya pasukan Maradona tampil dengan sangat sempurna di babak kualifikasi. walaupun masih paceklik gol, messi optimis dan meyakinkan rekan-rekannya bahwa mereka dapat membawa pulang Piala tersebut ke negera mereka. 

Hanya menunggu saat yang tepat Messi akan menunjukkan kapasitasnya sebagai bintang di negaranya. Hingga saat ini yang menjadi sosok perhatian adalah Higuain yang menjadi calon Top Skor, dan bukan tidak mungkin Higuain akan menambah koleksi golnya jika dipercaya oleh sang pelatih Maradona saat menjamu Jerman.

jadi soooo..... bagi yang ngedukung Argentina siap² jah bergembira mengadakan pesta kemenangan Tim kesayangan anda.

South Africa 2010 World Cup Prediction

FIFA World Cup 2010 event held in South Africa followed by as many as 32 countries are divided into eight groups. And based on the results of the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa up to now, many large countries which fall in 32 big underdog. Italy, France, USA, England and even that must be excluded in 16 large.

And the most prominent appearance in Italy in 2010 South African World Cup this time is far below the standard very well known game with their defense patterns. And that makes for the first time in the history of world cup big country Italy occupies the last position klasmen group. Italy coach Marcello Lippi is considered as the person most responsible for solving the worst record in the football world Italy.

Currently I can overcome step predicts Uruguay Ghana with a score that was quite promising. Netherlands would surrender at the hands of Brazil may be up to an extension. Argentina team will surpass Germany and possibly reverse the situation when Germany conquered England. Spain can beat Paraguay by a score that is final.

So Uruguay will meet Brazil in the Semifinal round, while Argentina will meet with Spain. so that with the above predict from Brazil will meet with Spain dibabak Final. And for this time the World Cup Final between Brazil vs Spain won by the Spanish State. so for those who support the countries of Spain, Optimist Spain which will become Champion at the 2010 World Cup South Africa.


During the development of the present and the future of nursing in the world of English is important because English is the main capital of someone in entering the main employment in the World of Health and other jobs in the world.
In this period the most important part of the World Health clever English. With our English learning system to be able to know the terms health.Because, we are good at speaking English with easy to enhance nursing science.
By presenting the Home Style We must understand much more Deeply English.Because language, in the health book That or interactions occur with patient.Because Between Nurses, many people WHO Came to Indonesia to treatment and We must meet on their needs or community easy.Wrong us with one another to meet on their needs is good at speaking language. Can Quickly and perform tasks appropriate.Because of Medicine English and all language Used with many people from Abroad come to do medicine in Indonesian, with a style Home We Can interacting with Them to meet on their needs today respectively.In Employment for Nursing is very broad and health workers and the Nurses and other medical personnel in the foreign country needed to work in the Foreign but must have a capital city has a capital good at speaking English Language.With it's easy a chance to work.
Health care systems in the English language the most important part in improving science Nursing.As Science nurses we should sue not only the theory, we can also sue Science implement.Before us we can know about science is important for everyone science.Because only by therefore, Science can be mean as sebuh causal knowledge which should be achieved logis.Dengan understand there are a aktivias Science-appropriate activities and positive results have been summarized ideas / in concept.scence knowledge itself can be interprete as the result of a thinking man's own .
From science we the only.Development know much about what nursing science is influenced by language English.Period language that Britain is now the language is compulsory for us to know, because everywhere the States that we can visit the communication occurred and most of them speak English. In Indonesia very many health workers including nursing, most of them who know and speak good English Inggris.Mereka clever Banak opportunity to work in Foreign Affairs. Even they have a lot of them have been working outside the country.
With the importance of English, we must diligently guided the English language, so that we can also work in the Foreign country.With improve the quality of work in Indonesia, mainly in the Vocational Nursing, we should be able to hold capital Vocational Language English.Because although others we should be able to hold capital the English.Because the Companies or any other work place prioritization of job applicants who hold capital Inggris.So, language English is very important to achieve the ideals and toward the future that sunny.

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010


The more crowded cafe in the town square you might even in remote villages even make people want to engage in the cafe business, and it was certainly for middle upwards.based on the fact that I get a lot of entrepreneurs to compete with the way cafe.net realize that they serve facility improvements for the fans of the virtual world . and some are up to slam the price by way of discounts from each every hour. Just imagine to compete in this business we have to spend up to http://kianmaraknyawarnetdikotamakassar.blogspot.com/ and it's only for a count of 6 cpu alone. not to mention the cost of rent, electricity, ADSL Unlimited, etc ... "Worry".

It is then again obtained very lucrative profits every month. so if we use the system time ², if 5 PCs X 18 hours of cybercafe X 26 days X Rp. 4000, - = Rp. 9.36 million, - that if 5 PC how about 10,,? just count yourself,, heheheee . IBHS is still a matter of course, excluding gross operating costs.

  Most investors cafe always put service to its visitors and also the cafe.net atmosphere that makes the heart of the visitors are not saturated. , and that makes the user's internet service would sit for hours because the service game of texas holdem poker "which has worldly in this virtual world. so that's what makes the investors take the initiative procurement snacks, softdrink, smoke, and others ².
so just a suggestion for beginners who want to engage in this field, it helps if you lobby to the cafenet earlier you recognize ².

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Time Factor In The Business World

Rich people collect money thousands of times more than the ordinary person in the same time, because they use the time factor. The ordinary people have added value, but he forgot to factor time. Wretch forget to make value-added, let alone the time factor. People carriers use factor times of disaster but also negatively, so when he fell or went bankrupt and he fell deeply. While a dead man, yes he will be silent. hehe .. We can sell once and fortunately one billion. Although I've never sells it, but I'm sure many can. We can also sell 100 times, and each is a profit of Rp 10 million. Many people who sold 10,000 times, and each profit of Rp 100,000. Or sold 100 000 times and each profit of Rp 10,000. Sell 1 million times lighter and each lucky USD in 1000. Or even sell 10 million times and each profit of Rp 100. same, fixed USD 1 billion. That time factor is used in the fuel business, toothpaste, cigarettes, instant noodles, etc.. They use it in awesome FACTOR TIMES. Once you we brush our teeth, once all the money flowing into the company's toothpaste, but how many times you brush your teeth, and how many hundred thousand people brush your teeth? People who have big capital can make a big company (koorporasi) for this, such as producers of bottled drinking water, household goods, cigarettes, fuel, and so forth. In the world of mathematics, the factor of time or a fancy term effects cause the multiplayer is quickly becoming the result of a terrible shot!. Business is usually slow because the system still uses factors such summing 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 4 = 8, 16 + 16 = 32. It could also be advanced, but more slowly. But if you own a business that has a time factor will be like this: 2 x 2 = 4, 4 x 4 = 16, 16 x 16 = 256. Far greater results. Time factor applies in all areas, whether in finance, business, science, technology, websites, religion, advertising, and so forth. In the business world, the factor of time can be achieved in many ways as well. For example using the Internet. You see examples of how Google became very rich with thousands of players using Adsense right?. Time factor can be achieved through publications, advertisements or promotions, using sales force (such as sales, distributors, affiliates, etc.), using figures or models, using a lot of branches, sold in bulk, and so forth. In the Java language, the factor of time is called PING, ngeping. Perhaps the results of your business once the transaction was not much, but the ping piro? so much. In the study of ancient, time factor reads "little by little longer ² into the hills." Imagine!, So the hill!. In the world of credit, time factor makes it easy for many people. Try, if the NDA may pay-ping 36 we have a home difficult. well yes? Fix? that the factor of time walking in nature. If you want to be rich, use the factor of time as well as possible, in a very broad sense.

Maraknya Warnet Di Makassar

Bisnis warung Internet WARNET  menarik para peminat dunia maya di kota Makassar . Diperkirakan bisnis ini akan bergairah kembali setelah mengalami kelesuan sepanjang tahun 2004 s/d 2008.

Meskipun tekhnologi berkembang dengan cepat, pemenuhan akan akses Internet di Makassar yang murah dan cepat saat ini hanya bisa diberikan oleh warnet. Beberapa teknologi akses Internet yang sekarang diberitakan berbiaya murah pun, jika diperhatikan, ternyata tetap sangat mahal. Harga perangkat komputer, baik perangkat keras maupun lunak, masih tidak terjangkau oleh sebagian besar masyarakat kita sehingga kebutuhan akan warnet akan selalu ada. 

 Teknologi-teknologi akses Internet yang baru, seperti GPRS, WiFi HotSpot, 3G, tetap menjadi barang mewah karena biaya untuk mengaksesnya sangat mahal. Sebagai contoh, akses termurah dari mobile Internet adalah Rp 2/kb. Dalam waktu 1 menit, Anda sudah bisa men-download sebesar 1 MB yang berarti = Rp2000, bandingkan dengan biaya akses di warnet.  Memang benar, jika Anda hanya sekadar chatting, aksesnya akan murah. Namun, apakah kita hanya melakukan chatting saja di Internet.....?

Semakin maraknya penggunaan Internet di kota makassar membuat para pebisnis atau investor melirik peluang ini sebagai usaha yang menjanjikan. Tak hanya konsultan atau pebisnis spesialis, pengusaha tanggung yang hanya memiliki modal pas-pasan pun dapat membangun bisnis ini dengan segenap usaha penekanan terhadap biaya.

Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa investasi awal pada proyek yang berhubungan dengan IT adalah investasi yang sangat besar. Investasi awal yang ditanam pada pembangunan warnet ini meliputi pembuatan jaringan serta instalasi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Tidak ketinggalan izin usaha yang merupakan poin penting, tapi sering terlupakan oleh para pengusaha warnet.

***dan bagi yang ingin bersaing dalam bidang ini berikut rincian yang bisa saya berikan***

1. Warnet

Server Warnet:
Intel Pentium IV 3.0Ghz HyperThread, Visipro1024 MB ddr PC 3200-Dual Channel, Geforce Ultimate Edition 128MB, Seagate 80 GB SATA HDD, DVD RW, Floppy, USB Card Reader, USB Bluetooth, Casing Simbadda, Mouse + Keyboard Optical, Monitor SPC 17’
Rp. 5.800.000,-

Intel Pentium IV 3.0Ghz HT, Visipro 512 MB ddr PC 3200, Geforce 440 128MB, Seagate 80 GB SATA HDD, DVD Rom, Floppy, USB Bluetooth, Casing Simbadda, Mouse + Keyboard Optical, Monitor SPC 17’
Rp. 5.128.000,-

CPU Clients Warnet:
Pentium 3 – 700, RAM 128, Hard Disk 15 GB, CD ROM, VGA AGP 16 MB, Sound Card, Floppy, Casing ATX Baru (tidak bisa terpisah), monitor 15″ @Rp. 1.050.000,-
Warnet 5 PC : 5 X 1.050.000,- = Rp. 5.250.000,-

Software (original )
OS Windows Server Rp. 1.200.000,-
OS Clients Windows XP Home Rp. 775.000,- X 4 = Rp. 3.100.000,-
Software Billing Rp. 650.000,-
(ket. Jika menggunakan Linux biaya bisa ditekan hingga 90%)

Biaya Setup Koneksi Warnet:
Setup Server Rp. 300.000,-
Setup & Instalasi 4 titik Rp. 600.000,-
1 Switch 4 Port @ Rp. 167.000,- Rp. 167.000,-
50 m kabel UTP 5E @ Rp. 4.000- Rp. 200.000,-
Rp. 1.267.000,-
Rp. 5.128.000,- + Rp. 1.200.000,- + Rp. 5.250.000,- + Rp. 3.100.000,- + Rp. 1.267.000,- :
Rp. 15.945.000,-

Biaya Operasional:
ADSL Unlimited Warnet, Rp. 1.750.000,-/bulan atau
Fastnet Internet Cable up to 3Mbps, Rp. 1.195.000,-/bulan
1 orang operator Rp. 1.000.000,-/bulan
Tagihan Listrik:Rp. 300.000,-/bulan
Sewa Tempat: Rp. 1.000.000,-/bulan
TOTAL Biaya Operasional Bulanan (ADSL):
1.750.000,- + 1.000.000,- + 300.000,- + 1.000.000,- = Rp. 4.050.000,-

TOTAL alternatif Biaya Operasional Bulanan (Cable):
1.195.000,- + 1.000.000,- + 300.000,- + 1.000.000,- = Rp. 3.495.000,-

TOTAL Proyeksi Pendapatan Bulanan jika tarif Rp. 4000/jam (ADSL):
5 PC warnet X 18 jam X 26 hari X Rp. 4.000,- = Rp. 9.360.000,-
9.360.000,- – 4.050.000,- = Rp. 5.310.000,-

TOTAL Proyeksi Pendapatan Bulanan jika tarif Rp. 4000/jam (Cable):
5 PC warnet X 18 jam X 26 hari X Rp. 4.000,- = Rp. 9.360.000,-
9.360.000,- – 3.495.000,- = Rp. 5.865.000,-

Selesai untuk itung2xan warnet….

***dan untuk game online nih juga rinciannya***

2. Game Online

Server Game Online:
Intel Pentium IV 3.0Ghz HyperThread, Visipro1024 MB ddr PC 3200-Dual Channel, Geforce Ultimate Edition 128MB, Seagate 80 GB SATA HDD, DVD RW, Floppy, USB Card Reader, USB Bluetooth, Casing Simbadda, Mouse + Keyboard Optical, Monitor SPC 17’
Rp. 5.800.000,-

CPU Clients Game Online:
AMD Athlon 64bit, 3000+, Memory 512MB DDR PC3200, Graphic Card 128MB ati radeon 9550, HDD 80 GB, CD Rom, Case ATX Mini Tower, Keyboard & Mouse Monitor GTC 17″Perfect Flat
Rp. 4.300.000,-
10 PC Client Game Online:10 X 4.300.000 = Rp. 43.000.000

Biaya Setup Game Online:
Setup Server Rp. 300.000,-
Setup & Instalasi 10 titik Rp. 1.500.000,-
Setup game Rp. 100.000,-
1 Switch 16 port 10/100 Rp. 420.000,-
30 m kabel UTP 5E @ Rp. 4.000,- Rp. 120.000,- +
Rp. 2.440.000,-

Biaya Operasional Bulanan:
Koneksi Server Wireless Paket Game Online Rp. 3.000.000,-/bulan
Operator 2 Orang Operator @Rp. 1.000.000,-/bulan = Rp. 2.000.000,-/bulan
Tagihan Listrik Rp. 300.000,-/Bulan
Sewa tempat Rp 1.000.000,-/bulan
Total Biaya Operasional Bulanan:
3.000.000,- + 2.000.000,- + 300.000,- = Rp. 5.300.000,-

Total Proyeksi Pendapatan Bulanan
(2 paket: Paket Regular dan Hemat):
10 PC Game Online X 12 jam X 26 hari X Rp. 3.500,- = Rp. 10.920.000,-
10 PC Game Online X 6 jam X 26 hari X Rp. 1.500,- = Rp. 2.340.000,-

10.920.000 + 2.340.000 = Rp. 13.260.000
13.260.000 – 5.300.000 = Rp. 7.960.000,-

Nah.. lumayan pusing yaa… :P
itu baru estimasi loh… banyak faktornya nanti seperti;
hari libur, sepi pengunjung dll